The Meg

6266706_saSurprisingly, The Meg was not that bad.  I sat down with some popcorn and a drink and was ready for a good laugh. The movie trailer made me think of SyFy. You know, one of those cheesy shark movies. But, it was at the library so I had to grab it.

It starts off with Jonas having to face the past. He is called to help others trapped at the bottom of the ocean. There, along with others, it is discovered that Megalodon might not be extinct after all. Jonas and the others go after it before there are many victims at a nearby beach.

I didn’t hate it, but I don’t know if I could see me buying it for my movie collection. It’s no Jaws. It is a step up from Sharknado. But, that’s not saying much. I would take it over Deep Blue Sea.

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