Camp NaNoWriMo


Image result for camp nanowrimo 2018So, I decided to try something new. Well, okay. Not, too new. This April will be my first Camp NaNoWriMo.

I’ve done regular NaNoWriMo in November, but never attempted the camp.  What happens is that I get to gather with other writers and we share a virtual cabin. We get to motivate each other and set goals. Instead of the typical 50,000, I’m aiming for 30,000. What’s nice is that you don’t have to do the 50,000 words like you do in November.

My story will be the sequel to Forbidden Love. I need to get out of my slump and this is my chance. I figure 1,000 a day is a good start.

Throughout April, I hope to keep you posted on my writing process. I still have a lot to figure out before the first of April. I hope to get a head start here shortly. My goal is to work on the outline of where I want the story to go. Just need to remind myself not to stay up too late.


Trust Me by Robyn Eleanor Sadler

So, I had put it to a vote with my friends on Facebook and it had been decided that I shall write some suspense. Although, one friend said romantic suspense. After some thinking and looking through many, many story ideas. I decided on Trust Me.

What is Trust Me about, you ask? Well, what would you do if your best friend was being stalked? Would you help her? Maybe let the best friend’s boyfriend take care of it? But, what happens when you start to notice things? You start to feel like you are being stalked. Could it just be the consequences of being best friends with the person who was originally stalked? Before you know it, people close to you are dying. The people who you thought you could trust. Well, you can no longer trust. What could your best friend be hiding? What about that co-worker? Or, your neighbor? No matter where you look, you feel eyes on you. Nobody is safe when you’re around.

My goal is to do the story within 100 posts. If are enjoying it, please comment. The more who comment and like it. I might make it into e-book format. I always welcome comments good or bad. Let me know your thoughts.

A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time



It had been years since I read Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. Maybe late twenties or closer to mid twenties. Hard to say.  It wasn’t my first time. I did read it as a kid. It’s the first book in a series. After re-reading it, I might eventually continue on with the books. First, I’ll have to tackle the other books on my ever growing list. Anyways, back to Wrinkle in Time. I did enjoy reading it again. I finished it pretty much in the morning and afternoon. There had been so much I had forgotten. As I was reading it, I remembered some and had forgotten some. Would I say the book was better than the movie? In some cases, yes. Both in this case. I like both in their own way.

Now to the movie. When I first heard Chris Pine was in it. I won’t lie, excitement hit. It is Chris Pine after all. Beard and all, you gotta love him.

We meet Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace. They go on a mission to find Meg and Charles Wallace’s father. The three go along with the three witches; Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. Although, I don’t think in the movie they were called witches. Where in the book they are called witches. The six of them travel through a tesseract. Think of it as a wrinkle in time. The tesseract is a dimension that makes time travel go a lot easier. I won’t get too much into it, because I don’t want to spoil the book or the movie. As they look for Mr. Murry, they go on an adventure. Not the safest adventure, but it’s definitely something the three won’t forget.

I did find the ending went pretty quick. I know they can’t do every scene in the book, but I kind of wish they had shown more of Aunt Beast. I had pictured her in a certain way. I had looked forward to seeing how they visualized  her. We had a second to see her. She looked like a jellyfish in that quick second. Not how I pictured her. I always pictured her a cross between Big Foot and an octopus.

This movie though I think was done at the right time. I remember it being done in the early 2000’s. But, with today’s graphics. They did so much more. This is one of those movies were computer graphics can come in handy.

Hope to see it one more time before it leaves the theater.

Hot Topic/Barnes & Noble Haul

You know I can’t refuse a good sale, especially when it comes to Hot Topic or Barnes and Noble.

First up, is Barnes and Noble. It happens to be next to the movie theater, which I just happened to be at. So, of course I had to stop by.

I’ve had this one on my list for awhile and when I saw it on the bargain shelf, I knew it was time to buy it. It is young adult. It’s based off real events of Alexander the Great. Sadly, that’s all I remember. Sad, isn’t it? I bought the book, you would think I would remember more about it. Can I just say that I love the fact Barnes and Noble has more bargain books that are young adult. I wish there was a bigger selection though. This book and another were two new ones. Where the rest had been on the bargain shelf for awhile.

IMG_7920 (1)

Next up, is Caroline. I’ve also had this one on my list. I’m excited to read this one. Laura Ingalls Wilder was one of the first authors I remember. Plus, I was a fan of the show as a kid. I can’t wait to read this from Caroline’s point of view.  I want to say it takes place before the beginning of the first book in the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

I had been good and haven’t been on Hot Topic’s website in awhile.  One day I just happened to find myself online. I usually will wait for the sales.


Loved Ashoka in The Clone Wars, and was happy to see her on Star Wars Rebels. I have other thoughts on her character, but you’ll have to wait for that. I have a Rebels post planned with spoilers. Anyways, when I found out about this. I had to get it. You are never too old for these. Right now, she is hanging out with my Rainbow Brite.


I can always use another pair of sweatpants and why not get some that show the school I was sorted into. Haven’t had a chance to wear the pants yet, but looking forward to it.


Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney cartoon. When I came across this bag, I had to get it. I used it for church today. It fits my book and notebook. Love it!

Supernatural/Scooby-Doo Crossover

supernatural-scooby-dooCan I just say how excited I am for the Supernatural and Scooby-Doo crossover? Growing up, I loved Scooby-Doo. I still have my stuffed animal of Scooby-Doo and poster my mom framed for me. I don’t care how old I get, I’ll love those items for as long as possible. Of course, Supernatural is one of my all-time favorite shows out there. So having these two together? This episode is going to be epic. I can’t wait to see it. Here is the teaser for the episode.

Class of 1998

Hard to believe, but it’s been almost twenty years since I graduated from high school. Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday I was preparing for my last few months of high school. I would get to spend my last few months doing a senior project. Mrs C., my English teacher was my advisor for the project. I worked with a pre-school. Who would have thought? Me working with kids? I definitely was a different person back than. I wondered what changed to where I like four legged children the best for kids.

At the same time as I was preparing for my soon graduation, I thought I couldn’t wait to see friends again. They would meet my husband and children.  I would show them pictures of the children. Mind you, this was before cell phones. So, my idea at the time would be to carry pictures in my wallet. 

Twenty years ago if you asked me if I would go to my reunion. I would comment, “duh..of course.”  If you asked me now? I would bite my lip and ponder. Maybe say, “I don’t know. Maybe?” Where in the past twenty years did I change my mind? I’m betting the last five years.

When it had been time for my ten year. I didn’t even know about it. Nothing as for as I knew had been planned. I found out from former classmates we did have one. I believe it was at a bar. I heard not many people went. I would have loved to see around 800 people in a bar.

Five years later, people tried to get everyone together and do a fifteen year reunion. We went to a local restaurant. Again around 800 in my class. Maybe under 100 showed up? I worked at the time with a former classmate. She didn’t even hear about it. I think word only had gotten around thanks to Facebook. I did enjoy seeing old friends. I reconnected with them. There were a couple there I avoided at the same time. As I talked with my former classmates, I wondered what might be going through their head. Was I married? Any kids? What’s wrong with her? It was bad enough I was nowhere near where I thought I would be. Not even close. If my eighteen year old self saw me. She would have shaken her head.


Thanks again to Facebook, I added classmates to my Facebook. Five years later, there are some I have unfriended or they had unfriended me. We either lost interest or I realized who they truly were. Which brought up other questions like, why was I even friends with them? If I go to the reunion, will they question why I unfriended them? I do still have friends on Facebook, of course. Those are friends I would want to see at the reunion. Okay, no. There are a couple I haven’t unfriended yet, but I’m getting close to. I’m sure they wouldn’t even notice I unfriended them. For those I want to see again? I don’t need a 20 year reunion. I could just message them to hang out.

I lost touch with a lot of people and feel like the reunion would be awkward. I haven’t even seen anything listed about it. If there is no reunion, I probably would be okay. If the reunion takes place and I miss out on it? Would I regret not going? If I regret, there is always the 30th reunion. Right?

So, do I go? What did you do or plan on doing?

Christopher Robin Trailer

MV5BYzUxMDQ3YTctMmY2NS00MzcwLWJlZWEtZDU3NmRmYWIzMDM0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODQ0NzA0NDI@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,681,1000_AL_When I was a kid I watched Winnie the Pooh. I even remember the live action Winnie the Pooh. Oh, the eighties.

As I got older, my interest for Winnie the Pooh went away. I couldn’t see why others liked Pooh, or even Piglet..for example.

Lately though, I’ve become interested in re-reading Winnie the Pooh. Is it my tastes that are changing? Or, is it the child in me thats hiding that wants to rediscover Winnie the Pooh?

Check out the teaser for Christopher Robin.