The Phantom Menace: 20 Years


I don’t know what is scarier. The fact it’s been twenty years since I finished my first year of college or that The Phantom Menace is twenty years old today. Hard to believe it’s been that long.

Unfortunately, I didn’t see the movie opening day, but I didn’t wait long. This was the movie that would introduce me to Ewan McGregor and my love for Obi-Wan would grow even more.

While most people weren’t fans of Jar Jar Binks. I would say the one scene I didn’t care for was the pod racing. Otherwise, I loved the movie. How could I not? It’s Star Wars.

Happy Birthday, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace.

Dumbo Teaser

Image result for dumbo movieI wasn’t sure how I felt about a live action Dumbo movie in the beginning and I’m still not sure. It is done by Tim Burton, so that is a plus. And, the trailer does start off with the song, Baby Mine. Maybe, when the official trailer comes out. I’ll decide more.

A Wrinkle in Time

A Wrinkle in Time



It had been years since I read Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle. Maybe late twenties or closer to mid twenties. Hard to say.  It wasn’t my first time. I did read it as a kid. It’s the first book in a series. After re-reading it, I might eventually continue on with the books. First, I’ll have to tackle the other books on my ever growing list. Anyways, back to Wrinkle in Time. I did enjoy reading it again. I finished it pretty much in the morning and afternoon. There had been so much I had forgotten. As I was reading it, I remembered some and had forgotten some. Would I say the book was better than the movie? In some cases, yes. Both in this case. I like both in their own way.

Now to the movie. When I first heard Chris Pine was in it. I won’t lie, excitement hit. It is Chris Pine after all. Beard and all, you gotta love him.

We meet Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace. They go on a mission to find Meg and Charles Wallace’s father. The three go along with the three witches; Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. Although, I don’t think in the movie they were called witches. Where in the book they are called witches. The six of them travel through a tesseract. Think of it as a wrinkle in time. The tesseract is a dimension that makes time travel go a lot easier. I won’t get too much into it, because I don’t want to spoil the book or the movie. As they look for Mr. Murry, they go on an adventure. Not the safest adventure, but it’s definitely something the three won’t forget.

I did find the ending went pretty quick. I know they can’t do every scene in the book, but I kind of wish they had shown more of Aunt Beast. I had pictured her in a certain way. I had looked forward to seeing how they visualized  her. We had a second to see her. She looked like a jellyfish in that quick second. Not how I pictured her. I always pictured her a cross between Big Foot and an octopus.

This movie though I think was done at the right time. I remember it being done in the early 2000’s. But, with today’s graphics. They did so much more. This is one of those movies were computer graphics can come in handy.

Hope to see it one more time before it leaves the theater.

Christopher Robin Trailer

MV5BYzUxMDQ3YTctMmY2NS00MzcwLWJlZWEtZDU3NmRmYWIzMDM0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODQ0NzA0NDI@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,681,1000_AL_When I was a kid I watched Winnie the Pooh. I even remember the live action Winnie the Pooh. Oh, the eighties.

As I got older, my interest for Winnie the Pooh went away. I couldn’t see why others liked Pooh, or even Piglet..for example.

Lately though, I’ve become interested in re-reading Winnie the Pooh. Is it my tastes that are changing? Or, is it the child in me thats hiding that wants to rediscover Winnie the Pooh?

Check out the teaser for Christopher Robin.